The demands and proposals of the Earle of Norwich, and Sr. Charles Lucas, - (in the name of themselves, and the rest of his Majesties officers and souldiers in the city of Colchester) to Generall Fairfax, concerning the surrendering of the said city, ad their resolution thereupon. With the answer of the Lord Generall to the said demands and proposals also, the proceedings of the Scots-Royalists neare the Parliament doores, and their animating on the people to cudgell the Parliament. Likewise, the discovery of a great designe in the city of London, to have murthered most of the Parliament men, and the apprehending of the Princes agent at the Royall Exchange, and taking of divers commissions from his Highnes to the citizens, for the raising of a army for his Royal father the King. Signed, Charles. P

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s.n. Printed Anno Dom. 1648 England, London [2], 6 sidor.